
9:00 a.m. Family-Friendly Service + 10:00 a.m. Service


Romans 12:15 “Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep” That verse is the backbone of our high school youth group. Every week we gather and share our ‘highs and lows’ from the past week, both the adults and the youth. We as the adult leaders model what it means to be honest and vulnerable, as we all together practice our story-telling skills. It doesn’t necessarily ‘look’ all that ‘religious’ or ‘spiritual,’ but the highs and lows we talk

With the Supreme Court's recent decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization changing the legal framework of abortion in this country, many have been thinking again about abortion. Intentionally being a gathering of disciples of Jesus with a variety of views of faith and life, Union Church, of course, does not have one set, official view on abortion or the many complex issues that surround it. However, I (Mike) also believe that contributing to consideration of important issues is

A rabbi, a pastor, and an imam walk into a bar, and the bartender says, "What is this, a joke?” On April 20, I attended the annual interfaith iftar at the MECCA Center in Willowbrook. Along with Rabbi Jessie Wainer (Congregation Etz Chaim in Lombard) and Imam Hassan Aly (MECCA Center), I gave a short talk and participated in a Q and A session. So, it wasn’t actually a bar, and it wasn’t a joke – although it was a really

BY GRANT GLOWIAK, POSTED BY MIKE SOLBERG As my beloved wife Anna will tell you, I go through musical ‘phases.’ I listen to a lot, like a lot a lot, of a particular sub-genre, or a particular band, until I get bored with it, and then I move on to the next thing. Don’t get me wrong, there are certainly some long-running common themes too though. I heard Rage Against the Machine’s ‘Guerilla Radio’ for the first time thanks to the

By Mike Solberg (posted by Louisa Mitchell): I have finally read a headline about “The Slap” that seems just right to me: “Will Smith’s ‘Bad Boys’ director says Oscars slap was ‘wrong,’ reminds Hollywood that Ukraine babies are dying”. The “Bad Boys” director is Michael Bay, of all people, who has spent much of his career telling stories that support "the myth of redemptive violence" (see this link). That is, a bit simply, stories in which violence solves a lot of problems.

God, as we begin the season of Lent, Easter, and Resurrection, help us look for your presence….in prayer, in our spiritual practice, in nature, in one another. Bless our days, that we may grow in faith, hope, and love. Amen. Welcome to the 2022 season of Lent at Union Church of Hinsdale! Here’s how we are celebrating this year – we hope you will join us for one, some, or all! Ash Wednesday, March 2Come to church at noon or 7 p.m.