We build hope

Rev. Grant Glowiak
Grant grew up right next door in Western Springs and currently lives in Hinsdale with his lovely wife and son and two adopted goldendoodles, Obi-Wan and Maya. Grant started at UCH in the fall of 2015 as the Director of Youth Ministries. He now serves as one of the pastors here, working primarily with young families. If he's not at the church, you can probably find Grant working in the yard or on the little projects around the house, or perhaps sitting around a bonfire or a board game with family and friends. His passions include environmentalism, alternative music, and cookies.

Rev. Dr. Robb Knuepfer
Robb Knuepfer is an associate pastor. Robb earned an M.Div degree from the University of Chicago Divinity School, a Doctor of Ministry degree at Chicago Theological Seminary, and is ordained as a minister in the United Church of Christ (UCC). At Union Church, he assists with our worship ministry, supports our pastoral care ministry, including the Union Church Care Team Ministry, and helps with member development, including our UCECP program, and our community and civic presence initiatives. Robb and Nancy, and their 4 children and 11 grandchildren, have been members of Union Church for many years.

Stephen C Edwards
Stephen C Edwards has been teaching and working with choirs and vocal ensembles for over 18 years. In addition to his work at The Union Church of Hinsdale, Stephen is one of the founders and the Artistic Director of Allegrezza, a community chorus that celebrates all people for who they are, and as a foundational principal, gives a portion of their proceeds to area non-profit organizations. Besides working with the Chancel Choir and all of the fabulous children and musicians, one of Stephen’s favorite things about working at The Union Church of Hinsdale is the people. “I believe that the people of Union are kind, generous, caring, and so fun to be with!”

Penny Johnson
Penny Johnson became the Director of Christian Education in early 2015. Her responsibilities include the faith formation of the church community from cradle through grave. A special emphasis of Penny’s ministry is the early elementary years as she helps the children develop personal, curious, generous and socially engaged Christian faith. Penny is also the Administration Manager of the office; she holds an MBA and has a business background. Penny and her husband Andy have raised three sons at Union Church.

Jennifer Keldahl
Jennifer joined UCECP, our Early Childhood Education Program, in 2004. Prior to her position at the UCECP, her journey included being a first grade teacher for CPS and an Assistant Principal. She also served as the Program Director and Regional Director for several urban preschools. Jennifer has a Master’s Degree from Loyola University in Education Administration with state endorsements enabling her to be a principal and superintendent.

Andy Mushynski

Sherry Fairfield

Gabriela Gleason

Ann Gleason

Carissa Kapcar

Adriana Kieffer

Elizabeth Jung

Adam Nakutis