9:00 a.m. Family-Friendly Service + 10:00 a.m. Service



Sundays @ 9:00 a.m. + 10:00 a.m.

Music @ Union

Music is an essential part of our Worship at the Union Church of Hinsdale. We integrate music throughout the worship service with special organ music, hymn singing, choral and solo anthems, and a contemporary praise ensemble (WE)…all from a wide range of musical traditions. We are fortunate to have musical accompaniment from a variety of instruments, including organ ,a Steinway Concert Grand Piano, guitar, bass, drums, brass, strings, and more.

Union Church of Hinsdale

Music Ministry

We welcome your participation in any of our music opportunities!


Chancel Choir

Worship is the core of our life, and in the heart of worship at The Union Church of Hinsdale is Music. Under the direction of Stephen C Edwards, the Chancel Choir is comprised of a professional quartet and volunteer singers, and is one of the most vital church choirs in Western Burbs. The choir leads congregants during the Sunday services through robust arrangements of music celebrating our love for God and each other, joining voices and a wide range of instruments. Music in worship is frequently supplemented with innovative musical works that reflect our world. If you are interested in adding your voice to this fine musical ensemble, please contact Stephen C Edwards.


Children’s Music –

Children’s Chimes is a beginner’s chime choir for children Kindergarten through Sixth Grade. We explore all the elements of a ringing choir in a simplistic and fun manner. There is no need to have a music background before participating in this group. It meets occasionally  from September through May. The chime choir provides an opportunity for the Union Church children to take an active role in our worship services on a regular basis. For more information, please contact Elizabeth Jung.


Union Bells –

Union Bells is our amazing handbell ensemble at The Union Church of Hinsdale led by Elizabeth Jung! This five octave ensemble plays frequently in worship from September to May and brings beauty, praise, and joy every time they play. If you are interested in ringing in this group, please contact Elizabeth Jung.


Christmas Pageant –

One of the highlights of our Advent/Christmas worship is our annual Christmas Pageant.  Preschoolers though 5th grade are all encouraged to participate in the enactment of the Christmas Story.  Children sing traditional Christmas Carols and learn new music to enhance the telling of the birth of Christ.  Although we reach out to our children every year to invite them to participate, we welcome all children to participate.  For more information contact Stephen C Edwards.


Worship Ensemble (WE)

This group of professional musicians enhances our worship like no other.  They lead weekly in our worship service and not only lift our spirits in praise, but also cause us to truly reflect on the greatness of our Creator.  Auditions are required to sing or play in this group.  This group also provides opportunities for our youth to play and sing in worship.  For more information, please contact Stephen C Edwards.


Youth Music – 

There are few things more meaningful than students sharing their gifts through music.  We encourage parents of youth and students who play instruments or sing to reach out to Stephen C Edwards so that we can find opportunities for them to participate in worship.  We have had students participate in WE, play flute, French horn, trombone, guitar, dance, handbells, and sing in worship.


Other Music Opportunities – We are always looking for instrumentalists to assist in leading in worship. If you play an instrument, please let us know by reaching out!