
9:00 a.m. Family-Friendly Service + 10:00 a.m. Service

All Day

Back To School Sunday and Root Beer Floats

Union Church of Hinsdale 137 S Garfield Ave., Hinsdale

Back to School Sunday, wear favorite school (college, HS, elementary, UCECP, etc) colors to church (10:00 and 9:00) and have your backpack (or work bag) blessed (9:00 service) Parish Life will be serving root beer floats on the patio after 10:00 service. What a great way to kick off the school year and say farewell to summer!

Stephen Uhl’s last Sunday

Union Church of Hinsdale 137 S Garfield Ave., Hinsdale

For the past 6 years, Stephen Uhl has led, inspired, and moved us through his amazing talents on organ, piano, voice, and keyboard with WE. Additionally, he has led us in singing, playing for the 9:00 a.m. service, subbing for handbells, and invigorating the crowds with his karaoke skills! To thank and honor Stephen, the congregation is invited to contribute to a farewell appreciation gift. You may share your gift on the Union Church Website - look for “Stephen Uhl’s […]