9:00 a.m. Family-Friendly Service + 10:00 a.m. Service

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Exploring Koinonia and the Healing Effects of Social Connection

Sunday, November 12, immediately following 10:00 worship in Rowell Hall

The CE Ministry will host a discussion on how social connections and participating in a community can help combat the loneliness epidemic that has been identified by the Surgeon General and discussed widely in the media & recent UCH sermons! Topics will include how to build and strengthen social connections, how these connections can influence our physical health, and how our Union Church community can help each other feel more connected and strengthen our Koinonia. No advance preparation is necessary, as short news stories and highlights of the Surgeon General’s report will be presented. We hope you can join us!

Event Details
12. 11. 2023.
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Union Church of Hinsdale
137 S Garfield Ave.