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Generosity Campaign

Generosity Campaign (drawing of tree with hearts as leaves)

On Sunday, October 8, we are kicked off our annual pledge campaign for 2024! Please look for our mailing sent out this week. In the mailing is information that will help you make your pledge for next year. We thank you so much for taking the time to review the guidance for pledging and the FAQ, including electronic giving. Everyone’s pledge counts no matter the amount.

Our theme for 2024 is “Transforming Lives.” Seem overly dramatic for the life of a local church? Well, it doesn’t always happen all at once, but transforming lives is surely what happens through UCH, often one small bit of transformation at a time (think the growth of an oak tree, not a bolt of lightening). Year after year, our members transform lives by supporting the mission and ministry of UCH. We’ll even back up that claim with videos of members talking about transformation, starting with Penny Davey!

So many of you share the gifts God has given you and, as members to members, we are truly grateful. We encourage you to give at the most generous amount that is right for you. See the giving instructions in your mailing, or click here for the information letter and here for the FAQs about giving at UCH, including information about how much other members give.

If you can increase your pledge for 2024, please consider doing so. The basic costs of operation continue to rise in today’s economy, and our beautiful, but increasingly aging, church building requires significant maintenance, sometimes unexpectedly, despite our best planning. Just this past summer, the HVAC system, bell tower, and parts of the roof, have all needed various repairs. In simply truthful terms, the more generous your giving, the more we can do to transform lives.

If you can pledge via the online system, that’s fantastic. If you can set up automatic giving to pay that pledge the super easy way, that’s fantastic too. If you return the pledge card you get in the mail, great. But if you have any trouble, don’t let that stand in the way of pledging! Just call our bookkeeper, Ann Gleason, and she’ll make sure you can pledge hassle-free. Call her office directly at 630.590.6654, or email her at agleason@uchinsdale.org.

Our target date to have all pledges in is November 30. This helps us plan for next year. So, by all means, read through the materials, get inspired to give, and make a generous pledge for 2024 at your earliest convenience.

Thank you. Your pledge helps transform lives!

Gratefully, your Generosity Team


Event Details
08. 10. 2023.