9:00 a.m. Family-Friendly Service + 10:00 a.m. Service

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New Sermon Series: Koinonia

September 17 at 10:00 in the sanctuary

Koinonia is a Greek work from the New Testament that is hard to translate into English. Perhaps the best way to capture it is with the phrase “a shared life.” However we word it exactly, the reality is that it was this koinonia that caused the thriving of the early church. As followers of Jesus, people found a community of connection, joy, meaning, and hope. It was not first of all beliefs about Jesus or God that mattered, but it was the unique nature of the community that was created in Jesus’ name that made all the difference in the early church.

In our fall sermon series, we are going focus on koinonia, both with regard to the church itself, and on what this concept might mean for our lives in our neighborhoods, our town, and the larger community around us. For example, studies find that participation in the life of a church helps create deep connectedness to others, and, gee, look what this study from Harvard University found! Be with us this fall, to worship, learn, and know real koinonia.

Event Details
15. 10. 2023.
10:00 am - 11:30 am
Union Church of Hinsdale
137 S Garfield Ave.