9:00 a.m. Family-Friendly Service + 10:00 a.m. Service

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Thanksgiving Offering, Nov 17-Dec 5

For our Thanksgiving Offering this year, we encourage you to make a special contribution to our Ministry for Change partner, DuPage PADS, which strives to keep families and individuals safely sheltered while ending homelessness in DuPage County. As you may know, in 2022 PADS purchased and converted a motel in Downers Grove into its Interim Housing Center (IHC). PADS continues to transform the space into a nurturing place for residents, including many families and seniors, as they focus on locating permanent housing.

Once checked in, clients can focus on their wellness and stability, moving forward using the suite of resources and support provided by DuPagePADS to regain their independence. The IHC also provides community partners a centralized destination for delivering support services that align with ending homelessness. Since beginning this model in 2020, PADS has observed a 500% increase in the utilization of case support services by clients in interim housing.
Click here to learn more.

For the Thanksgiving Offering (running November 17th through December 5th), you may donate to DuPage PADS or make a special contribution to the church – or do both! You have two easy options for giving:

1) Give online through the church website. On the giving page, under “fund,” select either “Thanksgiving Offering – DuPage PADS” (all amounts donated under this selection will be donated to DuPage PADS) or “Thanksgiving Offering - Union Church Ministries” (all amounts donated under this selection will be shared by ministries of the church generally) and complete the rest of the information. To give to both, please complete two separate donation transactions.

2) Deposit a check in the offering basket during service OR send in a check. If some or all of your donation is intended for DuPage PADS, please tell us the split in the memo line or in a separate note. If all of your gift is intended solely for Union Church, just send the check.

Event Details
17. 11. 2023.