9:00 a.m. Family-Friendly Service + 10:00 a.m. Service


Gather + Grow Youth Group

Union Church of Hinsdale 137 S Garfield Ave., Hinsdale, IL, United States

Gather + Grow Groups are for 2nd through 8th grades and are created to foster important connection and mentorship. Throughout the year the group does mission work, plays board games, has church-wide scavenger hunts, engages in deep discussions about our faith and plays music that is performed in church from time to time. *2nd - 5th graders are from 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m., Middle School is 4:00 - 6:30 (with a fellowship dinner served) or anytime within that time […]

Union Church Annual Resale!

Union Church of Hinsdale 137 S Garfield Ave., Hinsdale, IL, United States

Shop! October 6: 5:30 - 8:30 pm October 7: 9:00 - 1:00 pm This huge bargain-packed sale includes clothing for men, women, teens and children, including infant and maternity wear as well as designer French Room items, housewares, linens, sports equipment, jewelry, collectibles, and some holiday items. Proceeds benefit a wide variety of charities and social service agencies.    

Union Church Annual Resale!

Union Church of Hinsdale 137 S Garfield Ave., Hinsdale, IL, United States

Shop! October 6: 5:30 - 8:30 pm October 7: 9:00 - 1:00 pm This huge bargain-packed sale includes clothing for men, women, teens and children, including infant and maternity wear as well as designer French Room items, housewares, linens, sports equipment, jewelry, collectibles, and some holiday items. Proceeds benefit a wide variety of charities and social service agencies.  

Generosity Campaign

On Sunday, October 8, we are kicked off our annual pledge campaign for 2024! Please look for our mailing sent out this week. In the mailing is information that will help you make your pledge for next year. We thank you so much for taking the time to review the guidance for pledging and the FAQ, including electronic giving. Everyone’s pledge counts no matter the amount. Our theme for 2024 is "Transforming Lives." Seem overly dramatic for the life of […]

Used Eyeglasses Drive For Angola

PUT YOUR OLD EYEGLASSES TO GOOD USE by donating them to benefit our friends in Angola! Glasses will be delivered to Dr. John Kakorio, ophthalmologist, to better serve his patients at the hospital in Dondi, which is supported by our congregation.    Donations are greatly appreciated and can be dropped off in the Gathering Place at Union Church starting Sunday, October 8. A plastic bin will be located underneath the bulletin board for collection.   The deadline for our first […]

Gather + Grow Youth Group

Union Church of Hinsdale 137 S Garfield Ave., Hinsdale, IL, United States

Gather + Grow Groups are for 2nd through 8th grades and are created to foster important connection and mentorship. Throughout the year the group does mission work, plays board games, has church-wide scavenger hunts, engages in deep discussions about our faith and plays music that is performed in church from time to time. *2nd - 5th graders are from 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m., Middle School is 4:00 - 6:30 (with a fellowship dinner served) or anytime within that time […]

New Member Classes

Union Church of Hinsdale 137 S Garfield Ave., Hinsdale, IL, United States