9:00 a.m. Family-Friendly Service + 10:00 a.m. Service


Gather + Grow Youth Group

Union Church of Hinsdale 137 S Garfield Ave., Hinsdale, IL, United States

Gather + Grow Groups are for 2nd through 8th grades and are created to foster important connection and mentorship. Throughout the year the group does mission work, plays board games, has church-wide scavenger hunts, engages in deep discussions about our faith and plays music that is performed in church from time to time. *2nd - 5th graders are from 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m., Middle School is 4:00 - 6:30 (with a fellowship dinner served) or anytime within that time […]

The Longest Night

Union Church of Hinsdale 137 S Garfield Ave., Hinsdale, IL, United States

We will gather on the longest night of the year to reflect together. Join us at 6:30 pm in the Chapel.

Christmas Pageant

Union Church of Hinsdale 137 S Garfield Ave., Hinsdale, IL, United States

AGES 4+ Rehearsals: Nov 29, Dec. 6, Dec. 13, Dec 20 4:00-4:45 p.m. Dress Rehearsal: Dec 23, 9-11 a.m. Performance: Dec. 24 during the 10:00 am church service Contact Penny Johnson to register.

Christmas Eve Potluck

Union Church of Hinsdale 137 S Garfield Ave., Hinsdale, IL, United States

In the kitchen classroom.

Alumni Bells

Union Church of Hinsdale 137 S Garfield Ave., Hinsdale, IL, United States

In the Sanctuary.

Christmas Eve Service

Union Church of Hinsdale 137 S Garfield Ave., Hinsdale, IL, United States

In the Sanctuary and online.