Back to School Sunday, wear favorite school (college, HS, elementary, UCECP, etc) colors to church (10:00 and 9:00) and have your backpack (or work bag) blessed (9:00 service) Parish Life will be serving root beer floats on the patio after 10:00 service. What a great way to kick off the school year and say farewell to summer!
Both services will be outside that morning. Bring your furry friend to church. Or if your pet isn't ready for such a large social setting or portable, send in a photo for the bulletin. Email the photo to no later than Sept 3.
Fall sermon series "All Means All" begins (9 + 10 a.m.) and Sunday School resumes during 10 a.m. service!
Fall Children's Chimes (perform at 10:00 service on 9/22, rehearse on 9/11 and 9/18 4-4:45pm)