9:00 a.m. Family-Friendly Service + 10:00 a.m. Service


> Sadly, infuriatingly, we now must add the name of Tyre Nichols to the long list of those who have been needlessly killed by police. Although I choose not to watch video with the kind of violence Tyre Nichols suffered, I have read detailed descriptions of the incident, and I support the public release of such videos. I feel, however, like my soul is damaged by such video – the violence is so unnatural, so inhuman, so monstrous, that I

Why am I a Christian? Our Christian faith is grounded on the principle of love, and we are assured of God’s unconditional love of each of us by the redeeming grace of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. God calls us to live by the laws given to us in the form of the Ten Commandments. If all of us followed these rules, we would avoid the moral problems of the human experience. When Jesus was asked by the lawyer which of the

I am a Christian because there are a lot of ways in which the world - everything from my heart to global power structures - is messed up. There are a lot of ways in which this world is alienated from its true nature, ways in which we are alienated from our true selves. And I am persuaded to believe that the way of Jesus is the best shot we have at being led home. But why? "Why, Mike are you